Close your eyes and try to think of beautiful bouquet. There is an 80 percent chance that you imagined a bouquet of roses. Rose is indeed the most gorgeous of flowers and makes for a perfect gift for every occasion. From condolences to congratulations and from birthdays to weddings, there is a right rose for every occasion.
Do you know every color of rose symbolizes a different emotion? Every bud has a meaning behind it and it is impossible to know how to translate your feelings into flowers.
Here are some of the most common colors and their meanings.
White roses symbolize trust, honesty, and peace. Giving someone a bouquet of white flowers is just like telling them that they can trust you. It is why it is a preferred choice for corporate partners. And since trust is very important in a marriage, white roses are often seen on weddings as well.
Yellow is one of the liveliest and brightest colors. Yellow flowers always manage to stand out in a bouquet. Yellow roses tend to symbolize friendship. That makes it perfect for friendship day or on a friend’s birthday. It is usually considered as a strong and powerful symbol of platonic love.
Peach roses are absolutely breathtaking. The color is soothing to the eyes. It symbolizes modesty. It is why peach roses are usually sent to someone you are missing. After white, it is essentially the most subtle and elegant color to use for event décor. In some culture, peach roses are deemed the most appropriate choice for a ‘Get Well Soon’ bouquet.
Pink is the color of beauty. Pink roses symbolize appreciation, admiration, and gratitude. It is a good choice when you have to congratulate or appreciate someone. It also makes for a good Thank You bouquet. If you admire someone but aren’t ready to blatantly admit it, pink roses are the safest bet. They say I like you but not I love you.
Nothing says I love you as beautifully as a red rose. It symbolizes true love and passion. A single red rose is just as romantic as a whole bunch of red roses. No matter the romantic occasion, red roses are perfect for valentines, date nights, anniversaries, and even partner birthdays. So, these are the most commonly available colors of roses. Choosing the right bouquets is imperative to convey your message in the most expressive way possible. And if you are too overwhelmed to put a finger on which emotion you feel the most, go for a bouquet of mixed roses.