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White Roses Christmas Bouquet

White Roses Christmas Bouquet


AED 209.25


10% discount on first order Coupon code is Ofs10
Free delivery above 269 AED ORDER Coupon code is Stunning

Product Code:FS558
Step into the magic of the season with our lovely White Roses Christmas Bouquet. Imagine the beauty of snowy white roses, mixed with green leaves and delicate white Christmas balls. Each petal tells a love story, creating a romantic feeling that warms up the holiday spirit. It's not just a bunch of flowers; it's a heartfelt way to make your Christmas full of love and calm.
As you unwrap the bouquet, let the sweet smell of these white roses fill the air, creating a story of shared moments and dreams. The simplicity of this bouquet reflects the simplicity of love – a timeless and lasting feeling. With each delicate flower, you're not just giving a gift; you're giving a symbol of affection that grows like a winter garden in the heart. Embrace the romantic charm of the season, and let our White Roses Christmas Bouquet be the perfect way to show your love this holiday.
Product Includes:
15 white roses
Greenery and Silver Christmas Balls



Is White Roses Christmas Bouquet available same day in all Emirates?

Yes, we make fresh and deliver fresh same-day in all Emirates of UAE. For Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman we accept order till 7 PM UAE time and other emirates have different timing, you may check at the checkout page.


Can I add a message card with the flowers?

Absolutely! To make your gift even more special we will add your personalized message Free of cost.


Is this product includes delivery charges?

No, shipping charges always depend on the time slot and city that you will find on the checkout page. 


How to Order White Roses Christmas Bouquet?

•  Visit our website and select the White Roses Christmas Bouquet

•  Choose preferred size and  delivery date to ensure it arrives on special day.


•  Reach to checkout page and fill the form


•  Make sure to add a personalized card message with your order.


•  Make the payment and rest we will ensure you :)


What payment options do we have?

We accept visa, Master, Western Union, COD, Bank transfer and Paypal

All orders are delivered via onlineflowershop.ae temperature-controlled delivery vans.

Your white christmas bouquet will arrive beautifully fresh for your occasion.


No. of Days


Same Day

Abu Dhabi

Same day (book before 9AM)


Same Day


Same Day

Ras Al Khaimah

Same day (book before 9AM)


Same day (book before 9AM)

Umm Al Quiwan

Same day (book before 9AM)

Al Ain

Same day (book before 9AM)